Showing 1–16 of 24 results
Attraction Spell Jar
Returns partner to the puppy love stage at the beginning of the relationship if things are starting to fizzle out. For non partners, increases dopamine to help amplify their attraction towards you and desire. Before Ordering: Essential Guidelines for Spell Jar Purchases One Person Per Jar Each jar is crafted to target a single individual…
Beauty Jar
increases the success rate clear skin promotes hair growth promotes nail growth/ lash growth Before Ordering: Essential Guidelines for Spell Jar Purchases One Person Per Jar Each jar is crafted to target a single individual or specific intent. For example, if you wish to remove three separate people, please order one jar per person…
Cleansing for Negative Energy
Cleansing to end past curses or negative energy done by someone else. Before Ordering: Essential Guidelines for Spell Jar Purchases One Person Per Jar Each jar is crafted to target a single individual or specific intent. For example, if you wish to remove three separate people, please order one jar per person for the most…
Cleansing for third-party spellwork
This jars sole intention and purpose is to remove any other spellwork that has been created by any other third-party. This jar is necessary and recommended for clients who have decided to go to multiple spellcasters and get different intentions set. Please consult with me before purchasing this Spell. Before Ordering: Essential Guidelines for…
Commitment Jar
Encourages thoughts of proposal and marriage and children in your partner. Can also encourage making a relationship official. Before Ordering: Essential Guidelines for Spell Jar Purchases One Person Per Jar Each jar is crafted to target a single individual or specific intent. For example, if you wish to remove three separate people, please order one…
Communication Jar
Helps partner/friend/family member be more expressive and communicate better. Can also help get unblocked on social media or get out of the “no contact” stage. Before Ordering: Essential Guidelines for Spell Jar Purchases One Person Per Jar Each jar is crafted to target a single individual or specific intent. For example, if you wish to…
Fertility Jar
Increases the success rate of getting pregnant by increasing the chemical hormone Oestrogen. What is Oestrogen? Every month the pituitary gland, which is in your brain, releases a hormone. This hormone tells the ovaries to produce a number of fluid-filled cysts called follicles. As the follicles grow they secrete the hormone oestrogen. Oestrogen works to thicken…
Financial Jar
Financial benefit or luck with money. Can help with landing a job or better financial opportunities. Before Ordering: Essential Guidelines for Spell Jar Purchases One Person Per Jar Each jar is crafted to target a single individual or specific intent. For example, if you wish to remove three separate people, please order one jar per…
Intimacy Jar
Helps with sexual performance, pleasure and desire. Strengthens your bond and connection. Increases estrogen and testosterone to amplify feelings of lust. Before Ordering: Essential Guidelines for Spell Jar Purchases One Person Per Jar Each jar is crafted to target a single individual or specific intent. For example, if you wish to remove three separate people,…
Intimacy Removal
Helps to decrease bodily chemical nitric oxide creating intimacy dysfunction unless thoughts of you are reoccurring consistently. Can also cause nausea from online entertainment or being intimate with others as a side effect. Before Ordering: Essential Guidelines for Spell Jar Purchases One Person Per Jar Each jar is crafted to target a single individual…
Karma Jar
This spell is designed to balance the scales, allowing the energy of the universe to hold someone accountable for their actions, allowing justice to be served naturally. Before Ordering: Essential Guidelines for Spell Jar Purchases One Person Per Jar Each jar is crafted to target a single individual or specific intent. For example, if you…
Love / Friend Magnet
Helps to attract your ideal type of partner / ideal type of friends. Good for singles or someone looking to make new friends. Please describe in summary your ideal type of person / friends you want to attract. NOT MEANT TO BE USED WHILE TRYING TO USE OTHER JARS TO ATTRACT SOMEONE SPECIFIC. THIS JAR…
Love Jar
To create thoughts and feelings of wanting you back into their life, whether it be an old lover or even an old friend. Increases vasopressin and dopamine chemicals in the body and brain to help the person start to miss you and want you again. This jar should not be purchased by itself. Please consult…
Loyalty Jar
Encourages loyal behavior and thoughts in your partner. Increases success of partner not having a wandering eye. Success rate is lower if it’s for non partners. Not a solution to remove a third party. Before Ordering: Essential Guidelines for Spell Jar Purchases One Person Per Jar Each jar is crafted to target a single individual…
Mental Wellness Jar
Helps to promote self love and acceptance. Helps with past trauma and negative experiences. Could also help with drug abuse or negative hobbies. Before Ordering: Essential Guidelines for Spell Jar Purchases One Person Per Jar Each jar is crafted to target a single individual or specific intent. For example, if you wish to remove three…
Physical Wellness
Helps to build the immune system and increase the success rates of healing the body from within. Can help with healing minor sickness or minor physical strain. Can not cure diseases or disorders. Before Ordering: Essential Guidelines for Spell Jar Purchases One Person Per Jar Each jar is crafted to target a single individual…